




Whether it’s a nursery class or students in higher education, surprise your students with a trip to Oniria!

There’s a variety of options!

Self-guided tours, scientific commentary, or themed workshops to teach your students more about the water cycle or the richness of the marine environment and biodiversity. The subjects are adapted to suit the age and subjects of your students.


  • Self-guided visit: €7.50
  • Guided tour: €9
  • Guided tour & workshop: €11
Tour of the aquarium followed by a catamaran trip

At Oniria, you can set sail on a catamaran to complete your tour of the aquarium. Set sail with Navivoile!

The vessel includes a secure space for schoolchildren, from reception to high school. Whether it’s a relaxing class trip to help students bond at the start of the school year, or to celebrate the completion of a project. It’s up to the teacher to use and explore the various concepts on show at the aquarium (sailing, marine environment, geography, history, etc.).

Activity subject to availability from April to June and in September and October.

Different packages are available for your boat trip with your students.

Oniria tour followed by boating trip.
Length of cruise: around one hour

Discounted package rates:

  • Self-guided visit of aquarium and 1 hour boat trip = €13
  • Guided tour of aquarium and 1 hour boat trip = €15
  • Workshop in aquarium and 1 hour boat trip = €16

Bookings required. Call +33 (0)4 68 86 72 92
By email:

Oniria tour followed by a dolphin-watching trip
Length of cruise: 3–4 hours

Discounted package rates:

  • Self-guided visit of aquarium and 1 hour boat trip = €46.50
  • Guided tour of aquarium and 1 hour boat trip = €48.50
  • Workshop in aquarium and 1 hour boat trip = €49.50

Bookings required. Call +33 (0)4 68 86 72 92
By email: