icone billetteri




Sit down in a comfy seat and enjoy an enlightening experience in our auditorium. Documentaries, short films, reports… all of them about water in all its forms! Whether it’s in Oniria’s local area – from the top of Canigou all the way down to Canet – or anywhere else around the world, you’ll learn more about the amazing journey undertaken by water.

ONIRIA Extras: At times a director/head operator for documentaries and famous TV shows like USHUAIA (a 20-year collaboration with Nicolas Hulot spanning more than 50 episodes!) At others, a director of photography for feature films and ads… Cyril Tricot has been travelling the world and its oceans for the past 30 years, bearing witness and sharing his passion. He has brought his skills to Oniria, where he has made custom films for the aquarium. Come and see them without delay!